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Biography For John Baesemann

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Bill Hart


A blacksmith by trade, John Baesemann was born on February 8, 1821. He came from Germantown and settled on the banks of the Big Rib River to utilize the water power. 


He purchased the land from the late G.G. Plumer, a mill owner from Wausau.  When he and his family got there, they found Chippewa Indians.  The Indians were allowed to stay until the fall, when they peaceably departed for a point farther up the river.  He built a dam and a sawmill in 1869 and in 1876 built a grist mill, which greatly helped local farmers, saving them the 15 mile trip over bad roads to Wausau.  Mr. Baesemann was a big contributor to pioneering efforts of early Rib Falls Township. He was the first postmaster at Rib Falls.  The mail came from Wausau on horseback about once a week.  Mr. Baesemann erected a church to which he invited the community.  He  was the minister and Sunday school teacher when the regular minister couldn’t get there.  Years later a new church was built on land donated by John’s son Gustave.


Besides operating a boarding house, store, and telephone company, he was also town chairman.  While in office, he helped survey the town and country roads. 

Mr. Baesemann was host to many hunting parties from Chicago and Milwaukee, as this area was prized for its deer, mink, bear, beaver, otter and marten.  For a time he even maintained a private deer park, and that area is now a private cemetery, still known as Baesemann’s Cemetery, where he and many of his descendants are buried.  John Baesemann died on October 8, 1891.

Other Information

Date of Birth: 2/8/1821

Place of Birth: Prussia

Date of Death: 10/8/1891

Place of Burial: Baesemann Family Cemetery Rib Falls, WI

Race: W

Father's Birthplace: Prussia

Mother's Birthplace: Prussia

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