Chimney Sweep
Chimney Sweep - 1890s-1910s
Margaretha Scheffler, Quilt Maker
Margaretha Catherina Scheffler was born in Germany on October 28, 1871, eventually emigrating to the United States with her family and settling in Waukesha, Wisconsin. She married Charles Scheffler and, in 1904, they moved from Waukesha to Athens, Wisconsin. Charles operated a cigar shop and later a shoe repair shop in Athens. They raised three children, Edna, Anna, and Milton, and lost three other children in infancy. Margaretha died in 1930.
Margaretha made many beautiful quilts in her lifetime, sometimes with her daughter, Anna, working alongside her. This quilt was inherited by Anna and used in her Athens home until her death in 1990.
The Quilt
The Chimney Sweep block is formed of rectangles of fabric. One color is used for the X shape in the center and the surrounding rectangles are in a different (usually contrasting) color fabric. The border triangles around the edge of the block are usually the same color as the X.
Margaretha Scheffler of Athens made this quilt at the turn of the century. Most of the fabrics in these blocks appear to have been cut from scraps leftover from making clothing. Some of the rectangles have been pieced together from very small scraps. In a few of the blocks there was not enough fabric of the same pattern available to form the background rectangles and two similar fabrics were used.
This was, of course, not the only quilt made by Mararetha Scheffler. The Athens Centennial book described another one.
Excerpt from the Book Athens, Wisconsin Centennial 1890-1990
Mrs. Charles Scheffler made a red-and-white “friendship quilt” before 1926. The pattern and colors suggest it had been started before 1900. The large white square has about 15 names hand-embroidered in a spoke pattern; there are over 100 names on the full quilt. The small red and white pieces were sewn together and quilted entirely by hand, and the red fabric is as bright as new. The heirloom is now owned by her granddaughter.