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Biography For George Ruder

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Bill Hart


George Ruder was born in Bavaria, Germany on September 7, 1827. He immigrated to the United States in 1854 and first worked in Milwaukee’s brewing trade.  Shortly, he moved to central Wisconsin where he met Henry Wahle in 1857 and formed what is now the Stevens Point Brewery.  He sold his interests to Wahle in 1858, moved to Wausau, and built a small plant that became the start of the George Ruder Brewing Company.  In April 1857, George was married in Stevens Point to Louisa Schmidt, formerly of Prussia.  Together, they raised ten children.


Instant and growing success resulted in his brewery quickly becoming one of the largest breweries in central Wisconsin.  George soon built another facility in Merrill and operated both plants until 1886, when he sold his Wausau plant to two of his sons and sold the Merrill brewery to a third son.


In 1887, Mr. Ruder retired from active business but kept his interests in the breweries.  Unfortunately, in 1892, the Wausau plant was completely destroyed by fire.  After plans to merge with the Mathie Brewing Company failed, Mr. Ruder organized a stock company with himself as President, August Kickbusch as Vice President, and Henry Ruder as Secretary and Treasurer.  After buying the old site, they began construction of what would soon become the George Ruder Brewing Company, which included a malt house, a bottling plant and a beer garden.  Unfortunately, Mr. Ruder did not see the completion of the new facility.  He died of Bright’s Disease on December 29, 1893. He is buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in Wausau, WI.

Other Information

Date of Birth: 9-7-1827

Place of Birth: Germany

Date of Death: 12-29-1893

Place of Burial: Pine Grove Cemetery Wausau, WI

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