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History Blogs
Here's a simple tool for telling stories beyond quarantine
MCHS has created a simple tool that children can use to interview grandparents. Download our PDF, choose your virtual visit platform, and get started sharing stories!
Posted June 5, 2019 - 10:50pmThank you to Schuette Metals!
We have new shelves for storing artifacts, thanks to a generous donation.
Posted August 4, 2020 - 9:32pmA nice place to stay overnight
The elegant Hotel Wausau, built in 1925, was a boon to the local area for several decades.
Everyone loves a Slinky!
Here's something fun to read: Remember when Slinky was a new toy? Can you still sing the jingle? "It's fun for a girl or a boy!"
What? No crackly bag?
A favorite snack in 1938 was the potato chip. It was new! It satisfied the urge to crunch something, and it was tasty, too! The Red Dot company helped develop the perfect chip potato.
Posted August 28, 2019 - 11:27pmBrewing is Superfine in Marathon County
A donation of six bottles from Marathon City Brewery helps tell the story of beer brewing in central Wisconsin.
We don't know much about Ellerman Dairy
Ellerman Dairy operated near Athens during the 1950s. Do you have any stories?
It all began with a button
Curators found a button in our artifact collection, and wondered what its story was.
1892 Courthouse lights return
A special donation returned antique light fixtures to Wausau.
Posted December 6, 2018 - 10:57pmWI 101: Check out this coat!
Another of our objects is featured in the Wisconsin 101 online museum!
Posted November 21, 2018 - 7:07pm