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Biography For Richard Baumann

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Richard Baumann was born in Thuringa, Germany on September 24, 1839 to Henry and Wilhelmina Baumann.  He attended the local schools there and also learned the tinsmith trade by the time he was nineteen years old. 


He immigrated to America in 1858 and made his way to Milwaukee, working as a tinsmith until 1864.  Jacob Paff, who operated a general store in Wausau, knew that Wausau was in need of a reliable hardware owner  and encouraged Mr. Baumann to move to Wausau. Baumann did and stayed in the employ of Mr. Paff for two years before he started a tin shop of his own.  As his business increased, Mr. Baumann expanded his business to include a full line of hardware supplies.


Richard Baumann was married in Milwaukee on July 14, 1864 to Miss Emma Latterman, also from Germany.  Together they had five children.


Richard Baumann died in January 1921.He is buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in Wausau, WI.

Other Information

Date of Birth: 9/24/1839

Place of Birth: Germany

Date of Death: 1/1921

Place of Burial: Pine Grove Cemetery Wausau, WI

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