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Biography For Herman Abraham
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Bill Hart
Herman Abraham was born in Wausau on February 14, 1870. He was the son of William F. and Johanna Abraham, both from Germany. William was a brick manufacturer who was responsible for organizing the Germania Guard. Young Herman attended the public schools in Wausau until he was old enough to be self-supporting and then continued his education at night school.
His first job was as a foreman for the Curtis & Yale Company in Wausau until he enlisted in Company G. 3rd Infantry on October 4, 1889. Within the first year he was appointed corporal; sergeant in 1891; commissioned second lieutenant in 1892; commissioned first lieutenant in 1894; commissioned captain in January 1896; commissioned captain Wisconsin Volunteers in May 1898; participated in all the engagements with the 3rd Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers during the Spanish-American War; mustered out with his regiment on January 4, 1899; commissioned captain of Wisconsin National Guard in March 1900; and commissioned major in May 1910. As documented in his military record, he was an expert sharpshooter and from 1891 to 1894 was a member of the state and regimental team; winner of the Falk Skirmish Medal in 1894; member of the state and regimental teams from 1895-1896; and winner of the Holway Diamond Medal in estimating distances in 1908. He attended two General Manoeuvres in 1908 at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, and in 1912 at Camp McCoy, WI.
On March 25, 1895 Herman Abraham was married to Miss Alvina Pieper from Wausau. They had four children.
On January 1, 1911, Major Abraham was appointed under-sheriff of Marathon County, and in 1912, was elected Sheriff on the Democratic ticket. He later served a term as Marathon County Treasurer in 1915-1916. For several months prior to his fatal illness, Major Abraham was manager of the Rilling Fox Ranch in the town of Flieth.
Major Herman Abraham died on June 16, 1930 in Wausau, Wisconsin and was buried in Pine Grove Cemetery in Wausau, WI.
Other Information
Date of Birth: 2/14/1870
Place of Birth: Wisconsin
Date of Death: 6/16/1930
Place of Death: Wisconsin
Place of Burial: Pine Grove Cemetery Wausau, WI
Race: W
Father's Birthplace: Ger
Mother's Birthplace: Ger
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