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Biography For Walter Barden

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Bill Hart


Walter Barden was born in Wausau on August 8, 1884 to John and Catherine (Doo­nen) Barden. His parents were natives of Canada and of Irish de­scent. Walter attended the public schools of Wausau and Hamilton City, California, where his mother moved to in 1898, returning to Wisconsin in 1900. He was a barber for a time, following a trade which assured a livelihood for a youth of his adventurous spirit.  His love of the trail led him to become a cowboy, and in 1905 he returned to California and rode the range in the Sacramento Valley.


Returning to Wausau, he made thorough preparation for a commercial career by attending the Toland Business College and the Wausau Business College. Meanwhile he developed more physically as he was keenly interested in athletics, and acquired a high skill at boxing. He also excelled in other competitive sports and became recognized as an authority on the training and conditioning of athletes. This eventually led to his interest in the new science of chiropractic, which he studied in a college at St. Paul, Minnesota.  Following that schooling, he worked at this practice for a few years in St. Paul.

He was also trained in mortuary work, and gained valuable experience in the establishment of N.O. Wellander and Henry Goodhuntz, and was also employed by A.L. La Sage, a funeral director of Superior, Wisconsin. With his return to Wausau in 1914, Mr. Barden made his initial venture in that line of business at 207 Third Avenue, later moving to 1202 Sixth Street, and then lastly to 1302 Sixth Street.

On July 15, 1918 Walter Barden married Bonnylin C. Biron, who was born in Biron, Wisconsin. The town was  named in honor of her grandfather, Francis Xavier Biron, a pioneer lumberman of that area. Mr. and Mrs. Barden attended St. James Catholic Church where Mr. Barden served as an usher and was also a member of its board of trustees. His fraternal affiliations are with the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Order of Foresters and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He enjoyed hunting and fishing trips and was an ardent advocate of the outdoor life.

Walter Barden died in 1962.He is buried in St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery in Wausau, WI.

Other Information

Date of Birth: 8/8/1884

Place of Birth: Wisconsin

Date of Death: 4/18/1962

Place of Death: California

Place of Burial: St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery Wausau, WI

Father's Birthplace: Canada

Mother's Birthplace: Canada

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