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Biography For Victor Alderson
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Bill Hart
The son of James & Caroline Alderson, Victor Alderson was born on July 21, 1851 in Summerville, Ontario, Canada. As a young man Victor attended a business and military college in Toronto. Soon after graduation he left his home and came to Wisconsin, stopping first in Milwaukee where he remained a short time. He worked his way north to Wausau in 1869, where he quickly recognized the great possibilities of advancement and decided to make his home there.
His first job was as a bookkeeper in the bank of Silverthorn & Plumer, where he stayed for several years. In 1877 he acquired an interest in the Thayer & Corey flour mill, which later became part of the enterprises on H. E. McEachron. Mr. Alderson sold those interests in 1880 and entered the real estate and insurance business. As was custom in those days, he also did some lumbering. He started his own company, V. A. Alderson Investment Company, at the same time serving as secretary of the Wausau Street Railroad Company. In his position of being considered an expert accountant, he assisted in launching several banking institutions.
Victor Alderson was married in Wausau on October 3, 1872 to Miss Jesse Corey, whose father was a prominent Wausau flour mill owner. They had two children.
Mr. Alderson was elected mayor of Wausau in 1900. Prior to that, he had served as a member of city council for several terms, was a member of the county board, and the police and fire departments.
Victor Alderson died on April 20, 1914. He is buried in Forest Home Cemetery in Rhinelander, WI.
Other Information
Nickname: Alfred
Date of Birth: 7/21/1851
Place of Birth: Canada
Date of Death: 5/20/1914
Place of Death: Wisconsin
Place of Burial: Forest Home Cemetery Rhinelander, WI
Race: W
Father's Birthplace: England
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