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Biography For Archie Becher

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Archie Becher was born in Shawano County, Wisconsin on June 30, 1905 to Albert and Elizabeth (Hagen) Becher.  He graduated from Wausau High School in 1923 and from the Marquette University School of Engineering in 1919.


Armed with his engineering degree, Mr. Becher was employed by Milwaukee County where he served as clerk of the works when the Milwaukee County Courthouse was built.  He took over as Wausau City Engineer in 1935, supervising up to 200 employees building streets, curbs and sidewalks and laying water mains and storm and sanitary sewers.  During the depression years, in order to keep his people working during the winter months, he designed and built miles of tunnels in which to lay intersecting sewers.  Not only did his employees keep their jobs, but Mr. Becher saw too it that they were paid an additional ten cents an hour for working as miners.Mr. Becher also served as engineer for the water utility and designed one of the earliest plants. He was the engineer when the first sewage treatment plant was built in Wausau.

Mr. Becher worked for the City of Wausau until 1954 when he founded the firm of Becher-Hoppe Engineers, Inc., along with his son Archie Jr. and Melvin E. Hoppe.  Mr. Becher was elected Marathon County Surveyor in 1956 and served in that post until 1971. He was a founder and charter member of the Wisconsin Society of Professional Engineers, and a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, the American Water Works Association, the Central States Water Pollution Control Association, and other professional organizations.

On September 21, 1929, Archie Becher was united in marriage to Anita Baratone.   Together they had two children. 

Mr. Becher was a strong supporter of aviation and held a pilot’s license since the early 1930s.  He was a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Elks Club and the National Rifle Association.

Archie Becher suffered a stroke while attending a meeting of the National Water Works Association in California in May 1977.  He never recovered and passed away on November 8, 1977.  He is buried in St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery in Wausau, WI.

Other Information

Date of Birth: 1905-6-30

Place of Birth: Wisconsin

Date of Death: 1977-11-8

Place of Death: Wisconsin

Place of Burial: St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery Wausau, WI

Race: W

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