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Biography For William Anklam
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Bill Hart
William Anklam was born in the town of Berlin, Marathon County, Wisconsin on August 5, 1906 to Otto and Emma (Fehlhaber) Anklam.
William taught school from 1923-1929. He then went into the retail cigar business in Stevens Point in 1930. He started an ice cream store in Wisconsin Rapids in 1936 which later became the Hershleb Icecream Company. He also started the Anklam Restaurant Equipment & Supply Company in 1945, which turned into the C.T.L. Company. After selling that business he went into the real estate field in 1956 and sold out to Kohlbeck Realty in 1972.
William Anklam was a past member of the National, State and local Real Estate Boards. He was a past president of the local real estate broker’s board and a past president of the South Area Businessmen’s Association.
On December 27, 1917, in Wausau, William Anklam was united in marriage to Marie Berlik. Mr. Anklam was a member of George Schreier council #1069 Knights of Columbus and a member of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus.
William Anklam, age 85, died at the Wausau Hospital Center on March 29, 1992. He is buried in St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery in Wausau, WI.
Other Information
Date of Birth: 1906-8-5
Place of Birth: Wisconsin
Date of Death: 1992-3-29
Place of Death: Wisconsin
Place of Burial: St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery Wausau, WI
Race: W.
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