Beautification Week

Wausau's Beautification Week

For nearly 30 years, Beautification Week was held in Wausau. In 1971, the Beautification Committee of the Wausau Chamber of Commerce organized a extensive community effort to encourage the cleaning up and beautification of the City of Wausau. With the help of service clubs, garden clubs, local churches, businesses, and city leaders, the event helped promote the idea of city beautification for their community.

Over the course of the 1970s, the celebration of Beautification Week featured a number of notable events.

Living Wax Museum

The Third Graders at Marathon Area Elementary have spent the last twelve weeks studying a notable individual from the past and then recorded a short video to show what they learned about them. And these videos were compiled to create a virtual "wax museum."

Click the links below to see the google pages for each of the classes with the videos they created!

Mr.  Ikert's Class

The First Decade of the Parks

A quick overview of the creation of the Marathon County Park Commission and its first decade creating parks for the County.

The Master Horseshoers Convention of 1915

The Convention of the Master Horseshoers

This panoramic picture from the MCHS photo collection, and it shows a congregation of around 150 people on the Marathon County courthouse grounds in Wausau. This was the 13th annual convention of Wisconsin's Master Horseshoers Association members.
